Koan Salon: Exploring Zen Koans in Community

with guest teachers Roshis Melissa Blacker and David Rynick

Saturday April 24th

3pm zazen
3.30pm teisho
5pm end
(Central European Summer Time)

This is the zoom link:

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In this two-hour workshop, Melissa Myozen Blacker and David Dae An Rynick will guide us in a community exploration of the meaning and depth possible in koan study. Using meditation, free association and group dialogue we will illuminate these ancient and often enigmatic stories to clarify what it means to be alive and free as human beings. Everyone is welcome: prior experience working with koans is not necessary.


Melissa Myozen Blacker, Roshi and David Dae An Rynick, Roshi are Guiding Teachers of Boundless Way Zen, and resident priests at Boundless Way Temple in Worcester, MA, USA. They are both dharma heirs of James Ford, Roshi in a koan-based Soto lineage, and David has also received transmission from Zen Master George Bowman in the Korean Rinzai lineage. From 1992 to 2012 Melissa was a teacher and director of programs at the Center for Mindfulness, founded by Jon Kabat-Zinn. David is a life coach and writes daily reflections at www.davidrynick.com/blog/ They are a married couple, parents, and grandparents.



How to participate?
For this teaching we use the simple and user-friendly Zoom. There is no need to register with Zoom.
Click on the link above a few minutes before the session at 11am and you’re with us!
Sign up now and join!. 

Please note
On a tablet or smartphone, however, an app must be downloaded:
Apple: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id546505307
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=us.zoom.videomeetings
If you click on the link of the meeting above, the Zoom App will start automatically. After filling in your name you can join the meeting.