‘Daikini – The Female aspect of the Five Buddha families’
Op 30 januari bood gastlerares Corinne Frottier Sensei een boeiend onderricht aan op het Zen Sangha Zoom
over ‘Daikini – The Female aspect of the Five Buddha families’.
Zij verwees naar het boek:
Lama Tsültrim Allione, Wisdom Rising. Journey into the Mandala of the Empowered Feminine,
New York, 2018.
Hieronder vind je de vijf afbeeldingen uit dit boek die Sensei gebruikte.
On January 30, guest teacher Corinne Frottier Sensei offered a fascinating teaching through the Zen Sangha Zoom on “Daikini – The Female aspect of the Five Buddha families.
She referred to the book:
Lama Tsültrim Allione, Wisdom Rising. Journey into the Mandala of the Empowered Feminine,
New York, 2018.
Op this page you find the five images from this book that Sensei used.
Based on the Vajrayana-teachings of Buddhism, the “Five Buddha Wisdom Energies” are considered to represent five different emanations as well as representations of Buddha Vairocana, the primordial Buddha, and are a central subject in numerous Vajrayana Mandalas:
- Buddha Vairocana (Center of the Mandala, associated to the colour white, to space, and representing the Buddha Family)
- Buddha Ratnasambhava (South – gold/yellow – earth – Ratna Family)
- Buddha Akshobhya (East – blue – water – Vajra Family)
- Buddha Amitābha (West – red – fire – Padma Family)
- Buddha Amoghasiddhi (North – green – air/ wind – Karma Family)
Following the patriarchal tradition as in other religions, each Buddha is commonly appearing in a male body, though some of their Wisdom characteristics might be considered more feminine, as f.i. the generous and nurturing quality of Ratna or the fiery passion and seducing spirit of Padma. In her book “Wisdom Rising. Journey into the Mandala of the Empowered Feminine”, Lama Tsultrim Allione, a renown American Teacher of Tibetan Buddhism, points out the importance of including the female aspect of the Five Buddha Wisdom Mandala, as seen in the representation of the Daikinis, as well for women as for men. Considering today’s serious problems of climate change and environmental abuse, there is a much needed healing quality in embracing the wounded feminine, manifested in exploitation of our resources and pollution of vital elements as air and water. But also within each of us, there is a call for turning our attention to the disregarded parts of ourselves that mostly speaks with a female voice, whose wisdom is hardly ever heard.
Sensei Corinne Joie partagée Frottier is a Zen teacher in the White Plum Lineage. She received transmission from her teacher, Catherine Genno Pagès Roshi, in 2009 and is the resident head teacher of GenjoAn Sangha in Hamburg, Germany. In 2019 she met Sylvia Wetzel, a teacher in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition of the Green Tara, and has since been interested in investigating more of the feminine aspects of Buddhist practice.
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