Thursday February 25th
at 8pm Central European Time (CET)

teisho by Frank Roshi at the Wild Flower Zen Sangha
at the invitation of Amy Hollowell Roshi


Wild Flower Zoom zendo – zoom link

ID de réunion : 865 9391 7023
Code secret : 947074



A Zen look at the Mystic Lamb


‘Generally considered the culmination of Early Netherlandish painting, the Ghent Altarpiece ranks among the world’s most important artworks. Over the centuries the monumental polyptych has never ceased to impress with its stunning rendering of different materials and textures, its unrivaled mastery of painting with colors in oil, and the complexity of its iconographical program.

We know that the altarpiece was started by Hubert van Eyck, but completed by his younger brother Jan van Eyck on May 6, 1432. Yet many unanswered questions remain, and the overall iconography of the altarpiece, also known as ‘The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb’, is still not fully understood.’

Partly based on the Apocalyps of St. John’s, the retable evokes typical Christian themes (resurrection, messianic hope, redemption) and subject matter (the Annunciation, the Eucharist). But we also discover more universal spiritual motives as surrender, salvation and the polarity of transcendence and immanence.


Since his youth Frank De Waele Roshi has been familiar with this masterpiece in the Ghent cathedral. Drawing on his experience as an artist and art guide, he will approach the painting as an ‘Andachtsbild’ for devotional practice and point out a few (accidental?) parallels with Buddhist iconography and views.
In his presentation some non-dual perspectives will cast a different light on this deeply religious work.

Frank Roshi has a background in the Fine Arts, taught Painting at the Academy of Leuven and worked in several museums (Ghent, Brussels, Venice) and as an art guide in Paris.


Closed retable

Thursday Feb. 25
In the usual Wild Flower Zoom zendo:
ID de réunion : 865 9391 7023

Code secret : 947074

Discover this amazing website on the newly restored altarpiece: Closer to Van Eyck: Rediscovering the Ghent Altarpiece
Clicking on the images of the separate panels allows you to zoom in and out on the amazing details of the painted panels within their frames.

For general information see: